Verses of Light in the Qurʾān:
Our Lord says in His glorious Book—after I seek refuge in God from Satan the accursed, in the Name of God, the All-Mer- ciful, the Ever-Merciful:
Their parable is that of one who kindled a fire, and when it lit up what was around him, God took away their Light, and left them in darkness, unseeing. (Q Baqara 2:17)
God is the Protector of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the Light. As for those who disbelieve, their protectors are the idols, bringing them out of the Light into the darkness. They are the inhabitants of the Fire, abiding therein. (Q Baqara 2:257)
O mankind! Verily there has come unto you a proof from your Lord. And We have sent down unto you a clear Light. (Q Nisāʾ 4:174)
O People of the Book! Our Messenger has come unto you, making clear to you much of what you once hid of the Book, and pardoning much. There has come unto you, from God, a Light and a clear Book, whereby God guides whosoever seeks His Contentment unto the ways of peace, and brings them out of darkness into Light, by His Leave, and guides them unto a straight path. (Q Māʾida 5:15-16)
Truly We sent down the Torah, wherein is a guidance and a Light, by which the prophets who submitted [unto God] judged those who are Jews, as did the sages and the rabbis, in accordance with such of God’s Book as they were bidden to pre- serve and to which they were witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me! And sell not My signs for a paltry price. Whoso- ever judges not by that which God has sent down—it is they who are disbelievers. (Q Māʾida 5:44)
And in their footsteps, We sent Jesus son of Mary, con- firming the Torah that had come before him, and We gave him the Gospel, wherein is a guidance and a Light, confirming the Torah that had come before him, as a guidance and an exhor- tation to the reverent. (Q Māʾida 5:47)
Praise be to God, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made darkness and Light. Yet those who do not believe ascribe equals to their Lord! (Q Anʿām 6:1)
They did not measure God with His true measure when they said, “God has not sent down aught to any human being.” Say, “Who sent down the Book that Moses brought as a Light and a guidance for mankind, which you make into parchments that you display, while hiding much? And you were taught that which you knew not, neither you nor your fathers.” Say, “Allāh,” then leave them to play at their vain discourse. (Q Anʿām 6:91)
Is he who was dead, and to whom We give life, making for him a Light by which to walk among mankind, like unto one who is in darkness from which he does not emerge? Thus for the disbelievers, what they used to do was made to seem fair unto them. (Q Anʿām 6:122)
Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find inscribed in the Torah and the Gospel that is with them, who enjoins upon them what is right, and forbids them what is wrong, and makes good things lawful for them, and forbids them bad things, and relieves them of their burden and the shackles that were upon them. Thus those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light that has been sent down with him; it is they who shall prosper. (Q Aʿrāf 7:157)
They desire to extinguish the Light of God with their mouths. But God refuses to do aught but complete His Light, though the disbelievers be averse. (Q Tawba 9:32)
He it is Who made the sun a radiance, and the moon a Light, and determined for it stations, that you might know the number of years and the reckoning [of time]. God did not create these, save in truth. He expounds the signs for a people who know. (Q Yūnus 10:5)
Say, “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” Say, “God.” Say, “Then have you taken, apart from Him, protectors who have no power over what benefit or harm may come to themselves?” Say, “Are the blind and the seer equal, or are dark- ness and Light equal?” Or have they ascribed unto God part- ners who have created the like of His creation, such that that creation seems alike to them? Say, “God is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Paramount. (Q Raʿd 13:16)
Alif. Lām. Rā. [This is] a Book that We have sent down unto thee, that thou mightest bring forth mankind out of dark- ness into Light, by the leave of their Lord, unto the path of the Mighty, the Praised. (Q Ibrāhīm 14:1)
We indeed sent Moses with Our signs, “Bring thy people out of darkness into Light, and remind them of the Days of God. Truly in that are signs for all who are patient, thankful.” (Q Ibrāhīm 14:5)
God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The like- ness of His Light is as a niche, wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as a shining planet kindled from a blessed olive tree, neither of the East nor of the West. Its oil would well- nigh shine forth, even if no fire had touched it. Light upon Light. God guides unto His Light whomsoever He will, and God sets forth parables for mankind, and God is Knower of all things. (Q Nūr 24:35.)
Or like the darkness of a fathomless sea, covered by waves with waves above them and clouds above them—darknesses, one above the other. When one puts out one’s hand, one can hardly see it. He for whom God has not appointed any Light has no Light. (Q Nūr 24:40)
He it is Who blesses you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out of darkness into Light. And He is Merciful unto the believers. (Q Aḥzāb 33:43)
Not equal are the blind and the seeing, nor the darkness and the Light, nor the shade and the scorching heat. Not equal are the living and the dead. Truly God causes whomsoever He will to hear, but thou canst not cause those in graves to hear. (Q Fāṭir 35:19-22)
What of one whose breast God has expanded for submis- sion, such that he follows a Light from his Lord? Woe unto those whose hearts are hardened to the remembrance of God! They are in manifest error. (Q Zumar 39:22)
The earth will shine with the Light of its Lord, the Book will be set down, and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forth. Judgment will be made between them in truth, and they shall not be wronged. (Q Zumar 39:69)
Thus have We revealed unto thee a Spirit from Our Com- mand. Thou knewest not what scripture was, nor faith. But We made it a Light whereby We guide whomsoever We will among Our servants. Truly thou dost guide unto a straight path. (Q Shūrā 42:52)
He it is Who sends down clear signs upon His servant to bring you out of darkness into Light, and truly God is Kind and Merciful unto you. (Q Ḥadīd 57:9)
On the Day when you see the believing men and the believing women with their Light spreading before them and on their right, “Glad tidings unto you this Day: Gardens with rivers running below, therein to abide. That is the great tri- umph.” On the Day when the hypocrites, men and women, will say to those who believe, “Wait for us that we may borrow from your Light,” it will be said, “Turn back and seek a Light!” There- upon a wall with a gate will be set down between them, the inner side of which contains mercy, and on the outer side of which lies punishment. (Q Ḥadīd 57:12-13)
And those who believe in God and His messengers—it is they who are truthful and are witnesses before their Lord. They have their reward and their Light. And those who disbelieve and deny Our signs, they are the inhabitants of Hellfire. (Q Ḥadīd 57:19)
O you who believe! Reverence God and believe in His Messenger; He will give you a twofold portion of His Mercy, make a Light for you by which you may walk, and forgive you— and God is Forgiving, Merciful. (Q Ḥadīd 57:28)
They desire to extinguish the Light of God with their mouths, but God completes His Light, though the disbelievers be averse. (Q Ṣaff 61:8)
So believe in God and His Messenger and the Light We have sent down. God is Aware of whatsoever you do. (Q Taghābun 64:8)
...A Messenger reciting unto you the clear signs of God to bring those who believe and perform righteous deeds out of darkness into Light. And whosoever believes in God and works righteousness, He causes him to enter Gardens with rivers run- ning below, to abide therein forever. God has indeed prepared for him a beautiful provision. (Q Ṭalāq 65:11)
...O you who believe! Repent unto God with sincere repent- ance. It may be that your Lord will absolve you of your evil deeds and cause you to enter Gardens with rivers running below—the Day when God will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believe with him, with their Light spreading before them and on their right, while they say, “Our Lord, complete our Light for us and forgive us. Truly Thou art Powerful over all things.” (Q Taḥrīm 66:8)