In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful

A lecture by

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari is a Moroccan Sufi shaykh and living founder of the Karkariya Tariqa, a newly formed branch of the prominent Shadhili order; whose mother zawiya is located in Al Aaroui, Morocco.


A Heart's Compass

Satan did not approach Adam (AS) directly but rather through his wife, Eve, the closest person to him. Deceived by Satan's enticing whispers, Eve played a role in Adam's transgression, making the forbidden act appear appealing until Adam succumbed to what God had prohibited. This highlights the subtle methods Satan employs, reminding us to remain vigilant and mindful of how even those we love can inadvertently influence us, potentially leading us astray from the righteous path.

In Islamic law, family ties hold no exceptions when it comes to sinning against God. Obeying any creation in defiance of the Creator is impermissible, no matter their position or closeness. One cannot justify disobedience by prioritizing a loved one over God's pleasure. True obligation lies in upholding God’s commands, ensuring His pleasure and obedience take precedence over all relationships, even with a spouse or sibling. Obedience to others is only permissible in matters of righteousness (al-maʿrūf). Anything that contradicts God’s law must be rejected.

Understand that Satan exploits whatever distracts the heart from God. Even a heart devoted to God, if preoccupied by other affections, can be manipulated by Satan to lead one into heedlessness (ġhaflah) of God's remembrance (dhikr) and obedience. Therefore, allow no love to overshadow your love for God. Always prioritize His pleasure above all else.

Like a patient susceptible to external influences, individuals can be swayed by their loved ones, even when they have a clear understanding of right and wrong (al-ḥaqq and al-bāṭil). Love for friends can gradually lead one astray, starting unintentionally, until the truth fades and they become captive to their friends' desires. Justifications like "guiding a misguided friend" often prove deceptive, as it is usually the guide who strays from eternal truth.

Thus, never obey any creation in defiance of the Creator. First, seek knowledge of God’s law, knowing what is permissible (ḥalāl) and forbidden (ḥarām). Learn the basic rulings of your religion and gain understanding (fiqh) in its matters. When a matter is unclear, avoid doubtful matters (al-shubuhāt) and choose certainty over uncertainty. Seek guidance (istikhāra) from God to be shown the right path and the truth.

Avoid searching for fatāwā and opinions in fiqh to justify your desires. You are neither a mufti nor a mujtahid, and deriving rulings independently is not your role. Learning religion should aim to bring peace of mind and tranquility, guiding you to the truth and the Straight Path (al-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm). Seeking fatāwā to justify desires (al-ʾahwāʾ) is to mock religion, manipulate its rulings, and harm the soul.

If your heart senses doubt (shubhā) in a matter, trust that instinct. Do not seek fatāwā to justify it or exploit loopholes within the sharīʿa. A mufti, unaware of your true intention, can only judge based on what is apparent. But you know yourself best. Do not deceive yourself, nor attempt to deceive God.

Examine your heart and reflect on why you seek answers. Are you genuinely searching for the Truth (al-Ḥaqq), or are you seeking a solution to satisfy your desires, even if it contradicts the sharīʿa? Be honest with yourself. Do not pretend to seek truth while pursuing justifications for your whims.

You may question the permissibility of a venture while your heart senses its forbidden nature or inherent doubt (shubhā). Seeking a fatwā of permissibility to pursue profit, regardless of ḥalāl and ḥarām, reveals that love for wealth has overtaken your heart, causing you to forget God and His pleasure.

If your intentions (niyyah) are pure, when you sense doubt (shubhā) in a matter, abstain from it and seek a ḥalāl alternative. Contriving ways to profit from the ḥarām or doubtful harms the soul and causes regression in the spiritual path. Do not prioritize the dunyā or wealth over God’s pleasure. Strive for what benefits you in both this life and the hereafter.

A lecture by

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari is a Moroccan Sufi shaykh and living founder of the Karkariya Tariqa, a newly formed branch of the prominent Shadhili order; whose mother zawiya is located in Al Aaroui, Morocco.

Publication Date

December 1, 2024


Marouen Jedoui


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Non-Profit Organization. #5807904.


The Al-Karkari Institute For Sufi Studies is a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. #5807904.