In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful

A lecture by

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari is a Moroccan Sufi shaykh and living founder of the Karkariya Tariqa, a newly formed branch of the prominent Shadhili order; whose mother zawiya is located in Al Aaroui, Morocco.


Do You Know Your Real And Final Form?

You lived for a while in your mother's womb: 9 full months, during which you ate, drank, heard, saw, enjoyed, and took pleasure in all these blessings. The angels kept you company perpetually. The qarīn (shayṭān associated with every human being) came to inhabit you and began to circulate through your veins. Then you came down, crying and regretting what you had left behind, eager to return to the ḥaqīqa. You then grew up, over the years that saw your childhood blossom, until you reached the age of puberty. But today, if we were to ask you to tell us the story of your life, that is to say, from the point of view of your apparent form, how would you go about it?

Your life is obviously something you have faith in and cannot doubt. You move, you do things, you live! When you were a child, you were small, you played, but you don’t remember anything. If you remember something, it’s only a tiny part of everything you’ve experienced. And if you had to tell the story of your life, for example, if you had to explain everything you’ve experienced during the first 18 years of your life, it would take half an hour, no more. In no case would you be able to report in detail everything that should be said.

So, if this is the case for the story of your childhood, what would happen if you were asked to tell the story of the days you spent in your mother's womb? You would be surprised, astonished, stunned, and you would deny everything, insisting that you had never lived nor felt anything in your mother's womb, even though you were right there!

You lived, in a bodily and physical form, in your mother's womb, but you are totally incapable of bringing back the slightest memory of it. Why would you not consider that, in the same way, you are currently in a state of occultation, at least partially, and that when the time comes for you to appear and manifest yourself fully, you will deny this form which is yours at present, this form of dunyā, because you will not retain the slightest memory of it?

Yet, this is clear in the Law of Allah: you will die, then you will be resurrected, but you will return in a new physical form. And when you are questioned about what you have lived and accomplished in this life here below, you will categorically deny it, and you will cry out: "No, I have done nothing! I have not spoken, I have not done this, nor that," until the apparent form comes and testifies against you: The hand will testify, the tongue will testify, and so on.

It is there that the knowledge of Unveiling (kashf) will testify about you, through the Divine Capacity (qudra). As for you, vis-à-vis yourself, you will obviously have forgotten everything. It is in this sense that I tell you that at this very moment, it may be that you have not yet appeared in your real and final form. It may be that you are still only in the state of a particle, flowing in the descendants of Adam – peace be upon him – and you imagine yourself existing, moving, living, until the moment when you will have to give an account, in the grave, and then you will deny everything that you have been able to live here below. This is a clear and definitive proof of the fact that Man is only an illusion, that he has in reality no existence, that he is only nothingness, and that Existence belongs only to the Unique and Exclusive ﷻ.

A lecture by

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari is a Moroccan Sufi shaykh and living founder of the Karkariya Tariqa, a newly formed branch of the prominent Shadhili order; whose mother zawiya is located in Al Aaroui, Morocco.

Publication Date

October 20, 2024


Marouen Jedoui, Abdullah Elkammar


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The Al-Karkari Institute For Sufi Studies is a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. #5807904.