If You Are Still Subject to Fear… Hide Yourself
Allah ﷻ says about the awliyā’: ‘Indeed, the allies (awliyā’) of Allah will have no fear, nor will they grieve.’ [Surah Yunus, 10:62]
They are those whom Allah ﷻ predestined for the best (al-husnā). In other words, if fear and terror reside in your heart, know that you are not a wali. The awliyā’ of Allah are not afflicted by fear or sadness.
By Allah, Paradise and Hellfire hold no preference in their eyes, and this is not mere empty talk. To them, Paradise and Hellfire are equal, to the extent that if they were to experience what happened to Sayyiduna Ibrahim (peace be upon him), being thrown into the fire, they would only seek the Merciful within it. Even if their bodies burned and were consumed by the flames, they would pay no attention to it, for it would, in fact, be their deepest desire and aspiration, as it would signify their ultimate return to the Divine Reality (al-ḥaqīqa).
This state cannot be compared to that of an individual who is subject to fear… someone who is even afraid to sleep alone in a dark room! How then could such a person attain knowledge (al-ma‘rifa)?
If you tell such a person to sit still in one place…
Look, just a few days ago, the earth shook significantly in the region. Examine your heart—how did it react at that moment? Reflect on how frightened you were and how that moment revealed your true state to you!
(A significant earthquake had occurred in the region of Al-‘Aroui in the middle of the night. The walls trembled for what seemed like endless seconds, and many disciples present at the zawiya woke up in alarm and fled outside.)
Suppose someone dies before your eyes, and their soul leaves their body—what about your own state when faced with death?
‘The awliyā’ of Allah are not afflicted by fear or sadness.’
They know no fear and are not saddened by anything. On the contrary, they are always in a state of inner joy. If they grieve, it is for you, never for themselves. This is because the best (al-husnā) has been predestined for them. And al-husnā is the beauty of the Prophet ﷺ, or in other words, it refers to the Divine Names (asmā’ Allah al-ḥusnā).
You must always apply these points to your heart: when you realize that you are subject to fear, terror, or dread… then hide yourself, disappear, for this is clear evidence that you are only at the beginning of the spiritual path! Do not claim to have attained the eternal and absolute spirit.
If you are someone who enjoys losing yourself in such words, test yourself. Create the conditions for this test in the physical world and see if you are truly at that level. For beautiful words and grand narratives are accessible to anyone.
‘The Great Terror will not grieve them.’ [Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:103]
They have no fear of death. On the contrary, they love death because it allows them to reunite with the Lord of Death. Such are the true people of Allah.
‘And they will remain forever in what their nafs desires.’ [Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:102]
Indeed, a multitude of spiritual states (aḥwāl) and divine influxes (wāridāt) will reach them, but they desire nothing except the Lord of these states and influxes. They observe, they contemplate, but they never fall into heedlessness (ghafla). Returning to the Water of Life, they embrace the Divine Reality (al-ḥaqīqa), and from then on, they lose all consideration for what the eyes and hearts see or what the ears hear.
May Allah count us among His chosen ones.
Publication Date
December 12, 2024
Mobeen Ahmed