The Greatest Veil is Fear
The greatest of veils (ḥujub) is fear (khawf). For the one who steps into the ḥadra of al-Muṣṭafā ﷺ, indeed, enters the spiritual realm of safety (ḥadrat al-amān), where fear ceases to exist.
What, then, do you fear, O disciple? You claim to fear Allah... yet you resist reciting the name of Allah the Almighty. This holds true for each one of you. "No, I genuinely fear Allah," you say. But it is not Allah you fear. If you truly feared Allah, you would devote your entire time to reciting and serving His name! Remember, the very first of the Qurʾānic verses is: “Read, in the name of your Lord who created” (Qurʾān 96:1). You, in fact, do not fear Allah the Almighty. Instead, you fear the superficial forms you are accustomed to. Thus, it is the ornaments of the lower world (dunya) you fear and are attached to, not the ultimate truth (ḥaqīqa) beyond these appearances.
Allah the Almighty states: "He is with you wherever you are" (Qurʾān 57:4). Had your fear been genuinely of Allah, you would have feared Him in solitude, when alone with none but yourself. You would have feared Him in the words you utter. You would have feared Him in the very thoughts you entertain. Yet, you disregard all this. Your fear of Him is actually the fear of a certain created station awaiting you. You fear the Fire (nār), the punishment (ʿadhāb), the ṣirāṭ... So where are those who truly fear Allah!?
When will you master this fear, when will you be free of it? The answer lies in entering the ḥadra of al-Muṣṭafā ﷺ, for therein you would find safety (al-amān). As a follower of al-Muṣṭafā ﷺ, yet still gripped by fear of dunyā, it is evident you have not yet entered his spiritual presence (ḥadra). And if you still deny this truth, let us affirm it through the authentic ḥadīth reported by Muslim, narrated by Sayyidunā Jābir ibn ʿAbdillāh: " […] Then the believers will cross the ṣirāṭ. The first group will have faces like the full moon, numbering sixty thousand, exempt from accounting. Those following will have faces like the brightest star in the sky, and so on." These believers (mu’minūn) will not be interrogated. They will render no account. This means: neither paradise nor hell is their goal, nor anticipation of rewards for their deeds, nor fear of punishment for their wrongdoings. Rather, they will be the ones sprinkling water from paradise onto the people in the fire of hell, reviving bodies from ashes as seeds sprout with rain. Who will be granted this distinction? Those who have partaken in the battle of the full moon (ghazwat badr) of the ultimate truth (ḥaqīqa).
What then is badr al-ḥaqīqa? Undoubtedly, it is the ḥadra of the Prophet ﷺ. These individuals will have reached ḥadrat al-amān, the abode of safety, never to depart from it. As for you... your mind (ʿaql) remains fixated on the superficial forms. Fear these, as varied as they are, but refrain from claiming, "I fear Allah." Ultimately, the truth is: only the one who knows Allah truly fears Him. And one who knows Allah the Almighty will inevitably free themselves from everything but Allah, to dwell solely in the presence of Allah the Almighty.
How can you remain with Allah the Almighty? I have laid down foundations for this in the ṭarīqa, principles for lived experiences you won’t find and collect in books or encyclopedias, nor in anything similar. I have taught you to plunge into the ocean of the hāʾ, urging you to swim within it... yet you chose to swim only briefly, thereafter returning to heedlessness for twenty-four hours straight. Now, as we dive into the lām... you must recommit to this immersion and swim, ceaselessly, day and night. It means I expect you to be enraptured (jadhba) in the celestial realms. Only then will you reach the station of the lām al-qabḍ.
Publication Date
October 17, 2024
Marouen Jedoui