Dear Farida ( II ... )
Like a cypress to wind’s divine rupture,
all clichés turned
maroon, had been sleeping
on stubborn heart. — When will it
outside my window? Linear slave
to desire’s whims & furry
tint. Underpinned deemed
convictions important.
Had asked him, grasp my heart for
a while in your palms — while
I journey without it.
On the hills of sound
every purple blossom in Brooklyn
blamed: foolish
girl whose black hair is wrath
of unknown galaxies
how dare she give her heart away.
Heedless cat, huma, people called
lament indignation — like a cypress
to wind’s divine rupture.
Don’t know when blessed wind willed
hair to revel in anti-modernity.
Debase echos of self
against self.
There is so little
that reminds me……
of not you.
Merciful vicinities shook
neighbor’s trees, tulips free
of its pollen,
crawled inside red tulips — and hid
my face there — for forever.
Cats that are too bold get hurt
like humans, he said.
It must not be true. If you are not bold,
time will
not rupture into shepherd’s petals
blessed rain on nafs
to obliterate
— ego dreams.
Land scapes, tableaus
beyondness — in one last breath
of a thousand sensical encoded
eroded lines of love
adrift Tora Bora.
Dear Farida ( III … )
May I drift
where I belong,
where I belong.
Will never
encoded morse poetry
of love
after long. When will it
rain admits fog
outside my window: eclogue
— my dear friend
trees and clouds find
boughed like eyebrows
of eternity, alright for now.
Publication Date
December 19, 2024