Whispers of the Heart
O heart, speak not of any but He,
For none in our hearts but Him can be.
All pathways were closed to any besides Him,
For He is the King, to whom all are depending.
Tears from the eyes reveal the state,
And the longing for Him that echoes great.
My Master, Your sound alone we desire,
Else, deafness itself we would require.
We seek refuge from gazes that from your ray stray,
For You are Beauty, absolute in every way.
Mute we stand in Your sacred space,
For You are the speech of divine grace.
The hand is paralyzed if it touches not You,
The foot is severed if to others it drew.
You are the Book and the Prophetic Way,
You are the path and the law we obey.
You are the faith and the school we are bound,
You are the Qibla that we revolve around.
When you inhabit a heart, it turns into radiant light,
And its spirit ascends flying to Your secret’s height.
Your ocean is deep, shrouded in mystery,
See who's at the shores for better clarity.
A secret drawing near, in love display,
Leaving no trace, it takes all away.
An ecstasy that inner taste makes known,
Her reality by the drunken tongue is shown.
Her how is hidden, no proof from her is left,
She is the Truth, and all else is illusion at best.
O shadow from prostration do not rise,
And never let your love for him disguise.
Remember Him, in secret and plain,
Be joyful if they call you insane.
In humility, spread your arms to Him so wide,
Like the cave dweller praised till time’s last tide.
Revive desire’s soil with tears of passion,
When the Beloved comes in swift fashion.
And if He unveils His love to thee,
You are in joy from eternity.
In the source of wine, there you dwell,
Served from it, drinking without a quell.
No sin remains when the veil is torn,
For you have become His form reborn.
Publication Date
October 23, 2024
Marouen Jedoui